Infernal Uprising Project Reveal

Fast-paced and free-to-play  NFT- card game on Shimmer

About the Infernal Uprising game (TL;DR):

  • A new, round-based strategy card-game

  • Free-to-play on (ETA for Beta release: End of 2023)

  • Unlock new game-cards by playing or by owning the corresponding Infernal Uprising NFTs

About Infernal Uprising NFTs (TL;DR) (For all details see Genesis Mint blog post):

  • Infernal Uprising NFTs unlock game cards in the Infernal Uprising game

  • At release there will be 72 demonic Infernal Uprising NFTs

  • There are 5 rarity-levels for these NFTs (1-star to 5-stars). Within each rarity-level some demons are more common, others can be very rare.

About Infernal Uprising NFT-fusing and $FUSE tokens (TL;DR) (for all detail see Fusing blog post):

  • A completely new NFT-collection mechanic: NFT-fusing

  • You can burn two Infernal Uprising NFTs of the same rarity-level (= the same number of stars) in order to have a chance to receive one NFT of the next higher rarity-level.

  • In case of success you will receive one NFT of the next higher rarity-level.

    • This new NFT has an extreme increased chance to be a rare card from within that rarity-level.

    • Some NFTs can ONLY be created via fusing. They cannot be obtained through normal NFT sales or in-game unlocks.

  • In case of failure, you will receive $FUSE tokens instead of a new NFT.

    • The amount of $FUSE you get depends on the rarity-level of the used NFTs

  • $FUSE tokens can be added to fusing operations in order to greatly increase their success chances (up to 100% success chance is possible).

  • $FUSE token can only be used once and will be burned when used in a fusing operation.

Important dates

  • Genesis Mint on Wednesday 6th of December, 20:00 CET (see Genesis Mint blog post)

  • $FUSE fair launch on Saturday 9th of December, 18:00 CET

  • Infernal Uprising Beta release ETA: End of 2023.



About Infernal Uprising

Infernal Uprising is a demonic NFT-gaming project that consists of:

  • Infernal Uprising (the game)

  • Infernal Uprising NFTs (unlock game-cards in the game)

  • $FUSE tokens (can be used in NFT-fusing operations).

The characters and unique art style of our first NFT card collection is based on historical accounts about the 72 demons from the infamous black magical book “The Lesser Key of Solomon” and their depictions from the 17th century “Dictionnaire Infernal”. We aim to bring this old lore and art to new life using AI to re-create this ancient art with new colors, details and shapes, while staying close to the historic originals.

Our release-pipeline is packed, with tons of game-extensions and new NFT-collections on the horizon. We want to stand out through quick delivery of new content, innovation and transparent communication.


The demon Amduscias (a fuse-exclusive card)

The Game

In Infernal Uprising you take control of a small army of demons and try to win battles against one opponent in fast-paced and round-based strategy matches.

Each player creates a deck of 5 cards from their personal selection of cards – some of which can be unlocked for free simply by playing the game, others which can only be unlocked by owning their respective NFT.

Each deck will conform to one freely choosable weight class (lightweight, middleweight and heavyweight). This means that the all five cards in that deck can, in total, not contain more than a certain number of battlepoints. This enables players to play fair games even if they only own weaker cards. Only the heavyweight class has no upper limit, so everyone can use all of their strongest cards at once.

The game takes place on a 3 x 3 tiles playing field. The players take turns in placing one of their 5 cards on these tiles. Each card has several attributes, which determine its strength in combat:

  • Four numbers, called battlepoints, pointing in each of the four directions (up, down, left and right)

  • An elemental symbol, which shows the demons element (fire, water, earth or air)

If a player places a card next to an opponent’s card and its adjacent battlepoints are higher than the opponent's battlepoints, the opponent's card gets flipped and now belongs to the other player!

Once all tiles on the playing field have a card placed on them, the game ends. The player who owns the most cards (including the last, remaining card in one of the players hands), wins!

Additional rules

Infernal Uprising comes with a whole bunch of additional and optional rules that you can choose for your games to customize the experience according to your taste. There will be another, more detailed explanation of all available rules in the future, but here a short overview about the most prominent rules:



Each demon and some of the game tiles on the playing field carry an elemental symbol to show this demon's element (fire, water, earth or air). If a demon is placed on a tile with the same element, it increases its battlepoints on all four sides by +1!

However, if the demon is placed on a tile with the opposite element (opposites are fire vs water and earth vs air), it decreases all battlepoints by -1.

Placing a demon on a tile that carries neither the same or the opposite element has no effect on its battlevalues.



If the combo-rule is active each card that gets flipped is handled as if it was just played. This means it can yet again flip adjacent cards! This rule can lead to very exciting games, in which essentially all cards on the board get flipped multiple times per game.


Wrapped borders

If wrapped borders are active, the top direction of the cards in the top row is connected with the down direction of the cards on bottom row (and left column is connected to the right column). This gives players many more options to look out for when flipping opponent cards or when planning to be protected from getting flipped by the opponent.


Open or hidden cards

You can choose to play with all cards of both opponents visible to each other or one, some, or even all cards hidden from each other. This way the game can become more strategic or more surprising, depending on your preference.

Default Rule Sets

When first playing Infernal Uprising, the default lightweight rule set will simply include the Elemental Rule with all cards of both opponents visible. As a player progresses and unlocks higher rarity cards (or chooses to play with higher-rarity NFTs), other rules will be added by default. For instance, in middleweight games, the Same rule will be added as default, and only a portion of your opponents cards will be visible. In Heavyweight games, the Plus rule will also be active by default, with none of your opponent’s cards visible. Of course, these rules can be changed and customized to each player’s preference in the advanced settings of the game.

Game Progression

Collect SOULS to unlock new cards, game-modes and cosmetics

By playing Infernal Uprising matches or collecting achievements you will collect Souls.

By collecting Souls you will unlock new cards, more game-modes and cosmetic options.

Note: These in-game cards are not NFTs. NFTs can be obtained by buying Infernal Uprising Booster Packs.


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Infernal Uprising NFTs

Infernal Uprising NFTs will unlock game cards in the Infernal Uprising game. Additionally they can be used for NFT fusing, in which two NFTs get burned in order to mint one new NFT of a higher rarity (including a chance to get fusing-exclusive NFTs)


The first chance to get your hands on Infernal Uprising NFTs will be the


Genesis Mint

Wednesday the 6th of December on

A limited amount of 4000 Genesis Mint boosters will be sold for 600 $SMR per piece. Each booster will contain 5 Infernal Uprising NFTs with an improved rarity-distribution compared to later sales.

You will receive:

Three 1-star NFTs

One 2-star NFTs

One 3-to-5-star NFT

All details about the Genesis Mint in the Genesis Mint blog post.


The NFTs

Each NFT carries not only a demonic artwork based on the historical accounts from the 17th century books about black magic “Lesser key of Solomon” and “Dictionnaire Infernal”, but also information about its in-game strengths and collectability.

The Infernal Uprising NFT collection

The first collection of Infernal Uprising NFTs will contain all of the 72 demons described in the historic black magic book “Lesser key of Solomon”. These demons are ordered in a strict hierarchy, from presidents and knights, to dukes, marquises, princes and kings of hell.

We depict their status in the diabolic hierarchy through a 5-star system, which also shows the rarity-level of these demons.

Infernal Uprising NFTs have either:

  • 1-Star  (lowest rarity)

  • 2-Stars (low rarity)

  • 3-Stars (medium rarity)

  • 4-Stars (high rarity)

  • 5-Stars (very high rarity)

When buying Infernal Uprising NFT boosters after the Genesis Mint has ended, you will be much more likely to get NFTs of lower rarity than those of higher rarity (for the exact numbers, read the Genesis Mint blog post).

However, even within a given rarity-level there are more-or-less rare demons! And some demons can even only ever be minted via fusing…

Last, but not least, some demons can be unlocked as playing-cards inside the Infernal Uprising game for free. You will receive your first 5 cards right after starting the game and you can unlock the rest by collecting Souls via playing and completing achievements

Shiny NFTs

In extremely rare cases (1%), a newly minted NFT appears as a Shiny NFT! These NFTs might have an extremely high collectors value due to their rarity. It will be extremely hard to create a whole shiny deck of game cards.

Shiny NFTs unlock shiny in-game cards. These have exactly the same battle points and elements as their non-shiny version, but they appear on the playing field with golden borders.

1st Edition NFTs

Only the first few NFT sales will mint 1st-Edition NFTs. These NFTs carry the special “1st-Edition” badge on their NFT artwork. Other than that they behave exactly the same inside the game as future versions of this card that will not carry the 1st-Edition badge.


NFT Fusing

Infernal Uprising’s $FUSE token

Infernal Uprising pioneers a completely new NFT collection mechanic, called NFT-fusing. You will be able to burn two NFTs of the same rarity-level (= same number of rarity-stars) in order to have a chance of receiving one NFT of the next higher rarity level!

Each fusing attempt can either be successful or fail – determined by real on-chain randomness enabled through ShimmerEVMs unique functionality.

In case of success:

Your two initial NFTs are burned and in turn you receive one NFT of the next higher rarity level. In addition this NFT has an extremely increased chance to be an especially rare card from within that rarity-level. Some NFTs are in fact fusing exclusive, they can be minted ONLY via fusing and do not appear in booster packs.

In case of failure:

Your two initial NFTs are burned and in turn you receive $FUSE token instead. $FUSE token can be used to dramatically increase the chance of success in your next NFT fusing attempt (up to 100% success chance). However, $FUSE token can only be used once and they get burned inside a fusing operation, even if the operation fails.

Few more details about fusing:

  • You receive more $FUSE with higher rarity-level NFTs burned.

  • You need more $FUSE in order to increase the fusing success chance when fusing NFTs of higher rarity-level.

  • Fusing success chance can reach 100% if enough $FUSE token are added to a fusing attempt (see chance tables in the main NFT-fusing blog post).

  • If one shiny NFT is used in a successful fusing attempt, the received card of higher rarity level will have a 50% chance of being shiny as well. If two shiny NFTs are used in a successful fusing attempt, the received card of higher rarity level will have a 100% chance of being shiny as well!

  • All successful fusing attempts up to a certain point in time will result in a “1st Edition” branded card. After that point in time fusing “1st Edition” cards will not result in “1st Edition” cards anymore.

Note: $FUSE are ERC20 crypto tokens. They can be owned and traded (for example, on ShimmerSea) just like any other ERC20 token without any special permission from Infernal Uprising.


NFT Fusing Details